40 TH ANNIVERSARY 1979 - 2019

For Cubo2 Smart Unit

Oil charging procedure:
How does the oil charging procedure take place?

  1. Close the evaporator electronic expansion valve by raising the set point of the cooled space.
  2. Wait for the CUBO to pump down and switch off the compressors.
  3. Switch off the condensing unit (using ON/OFF command on the display).
  4. Close ball valve 3 in the CDU (90 on circuit diagram).
  5. Fully open the evaporator electronic expansion valve using the Carel magnet or using a suitable manual process for your EEV.
  6. Vent gas at valve 1 until pressure drops to 0 bar g (check on display), internal check valve (138 on circuit diagram) will prevent emptying the whole circuit.
  7. Connect a line from the oil can to valve 2 (liquid line service port) and using a vacuum being drawn from valve 1 (via the evaporator), pull the oil into the liquid line.
  8. When all the oil is in the system shut valve 2 (liquid line service port) and continue to pull the system into deep vacuum from valve 1 only.
  9. When the vacuum is achieved charge vapour through valve 1 up to 10 bar.
  10. Restore the automatic management of the evaporator electronic expansion valve and reset the set point if adjusted.
  11. Open ball valve 3 in the CDU (90 on circuit diagram).
  12. Switch ON the unit (using ON/OFF command).
  13. Recharge some additional refrigerant (same quantity removed from liquid line).